Laser-Assisted Periodontal Therapy: Precision and Comfort Combined
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Laser-Assisted Periodontal Therapy: Precision and Comfort Combined

To keep your dental health in the best condition, you will have to do so much more than just brushing and flossing your teeth. Some individual’s periodontal conditions require special attention. Periodontal health refers to the strength of the gums and structure supporting the teeth. 

Periodontal diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis can have severe consequences if they are treated immediately and properly. In recent years, technological advancements have introduced innovative solutions, like Laser-Assisted Periodontal Therapy or LAPT.

This blog will guide you through the concept of LAPT and its benefits. It will also suggest who should approach this type of therapy so that it will have an optimum effect on their dental health. If you need professional help, Aurora orthodontics and periodontics will be more than ready to guide you through the entire process of LAPT. 

What Is LAPT?

Laser-assisted periodontal therapy is a non-surgical way to treat periodontal diseases. It concentrates on using lasers to remove only harmful tissue while keeping the useful tissues completely safe. Here’s how it works.

Science behind LAPT

It uses a concentrated beam of light to eliminate diseased gum tissue without touching healthy parts of it. The heat energy of the laser kills all the bacteria in the diseased gum tissue. This process encourages the body to promote the production of healthy tissues to replace diseased tissues.

Laser Types Commonly Used

These are the types of lasers used in LAPT depending upon the severity of the patient’s need and their dental health condition.

  • Diode Lasers: Effective for soft tissue procedures and bacterial reduction.
  • Erbium Lasers: Useful for both soft and hard tissue treatments.
  • CO2 Lasers: Known for their precision in cutting and vaporizing tissue.

Procedure Overview

The dentist examines the gum conditions and determines the extent of the disease. Then, the laser is carefully applied to the affected areas so that the healthy tissues remain unharmed and helps heal the diseased tissue. Then, the patient is advised to follow oral hygiene practices, which promote the healing of his dental health.

Advantages Of LAPT

These are some of the advantages of LAPT that need to be considered before considering this therapy. It has many benefits over traditional methods to treat periodontal diseases, and many patients now prefer this over traditional methods of treatment.

Minimal Invasive

The traditional method involves a lot of cutting and stitching, which is pretty invasive for some people. This method is not invasive, and it is completed in a shorter time than the traditional method.


This method is more precise and safe than the traditional method because it does not affect healthy tissues at all, and it helps in the healing process after the therapy. Traditional methods are not as precise as this, and thus, the healing process gets slowed due to the damage to the healthy tissues surrounding the damaged area.

Less Blood And Swelling

The heat emitted from the lasers seals the blood vessels around the tissue, so less blood gets lost, and thus, it does not swell as much as it usually does in traditional methods. This advantage is for the people who do not like to see their blood getting lost more than necessary.

Less Recovery Time

The patient does not have to wait for weeks to recover from surgery for periodontal diseases. Patients can go on about their business in a day or two in case of LAPT.

Who Can Benefit from LAPT?

LAPT generally works for everyone with periodontal disease, but it is highly recommended to some patients according to their medical conditions.

Patients With Moderate To Severe Case Of Periodontal Disease

For patients with deep periodontal diseases and inflammations, LAPT provides a less invasive and faster option for recovery.

People With Dental Anxiety

It is the best option for people who are afraid of invasion and surgery as it is much less invasive than the traditional method of treatment of periodontal diseases.

Call Your Dentist Now!

Professional help is very much recommended if you have periodontal disease and you are considering different methods of treatment for them. A professional will be able to determine the type of treatment your teeth need, and you should follow his recommendation.

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