Laser-Assisted Periodontal Therapy: Precision and Comfort Combined

To keep your dental health in the best condition, you will have to do so much more than just brushing and flossing your teeth. Some individual’s periodontal conditions require special attention. Periodontal health refers to the strength of the gums and structure supporting the teeth.  Periodontal diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis can have severe consequences […]

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The Importance of Dental Cleaning and Prevention of Oral Diseases

Maintaining good oral health is essential for our overall well-being, and regular dental cleanings and prevention are crucial in achieving this goal. Individuals can benefit from a range of dental services designed to promote healthy teeth and gums. By prioritizing cleanings and prevention Little Elm, individuals can help prevent oral diseases, boost their confidence, and […]

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Smile Analytics: Using AI to Predict the Perfect Smile for Your Face Shape

Smile analytics is an innovative form of AI used in dentistry and developed to forecast and determine an appropriate smile based on the shape of the face. The cosmetic dentist North Scottsdale area can leverage this new technology to balance the face using facial detection, machine learning, and principles of beauty. Per granular facial documentation […]

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